Dear SABC Members & Friends,
The Swiss-American Business Council presents its summer 2016 newsletter for its members and friends. SABC members can submit contributions for future newsletters to: events@sabcnow.com
In this issue we feature contributions from BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc., HEULE Tool Corporation, Rollomatic Inc., ETH Zürich MBA, Barack Ferrazzano Kirschbaum & Nagelberg LLP, Platit Inc., UBS, Bühler Inc., Bossard, and Hotels of Switzerland.
Platinum Members

Gold Member

Silver Members

Welcome New SABC Corporate Members
 We welcom e HSBC Bank USA N.A. as our new SABC Corporate Member with Senior GTRF Sales Manager Alexander J. Van de Staan, Sr. HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organizations. HSBC serves more than 47 million customers through four global businesses: Retail Banking and Wealth Management, Commercial Banking, Global Banking and Markets, and Global Private Banking. Its network covers 71 countries and territories in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa, North America and Latin America.
 We also welcome Erowa Technology, Inc. as our new SABC Corporate Member and its president Chris Norman. Erowa Technology, Inc. is a leader in manufacturing solutions including palletized work-holding, standardized EDM tooling systems, custom work-holding and automation, and has applications in a variety of industries. Erowa Technology, Inc. is the parent company headquartered in Büron, Switzerland. For more information, visit the Erowa Technology, Inc. website www.erowa.com
 We welcome LNS America, Inc. as our new SABC Corporate Member and its CEO, Jeff McMullen.
LNS brings over 40 years of proven experience to its role as your One-Stop-Shop for machine-tool peripherals that optimize manufacturing performance, productivity and profitability:
Bar Feeding Systems for fixed or sliding headstock lathes machining bar stock diameters from. 039” to 4-3/4”
- Chip Management Systems that eliminate bottlenecks and extend coolant life with filtration levels as low as 50 microns
Work Support Systems that provide greater stability, speed and accuracy
Air Filtration Systems that are NIOSH & OSHA compliant to improve worker health, safety and performance
- Coolant Management Systems that eliminate contaminants and extend tool life
Equally important, LNS provides unmatched applications assistance, customer support and technical service worldwide from more than 800 dedicated employees who stand behind every LNS product. LNS SA, is the parent company headquartered in Orvin, Switzerland. For more information, visit the LNS America, Inc. website www.lns-america.com
Come Celebrate at the Swiss National Day Reception
Tuesday, August 2, 2016, 6:00 – 8:30 pm,
Mid-America Club 200 E. Randolph St. 80th Floor.
SABC Members and sponsoring partners plus guest: Free of charge
Non-members: $20
Dress code: Business casual
Come join the Swiss-American business and civic community in Chicago to celebrate the Swiss National Day at a reception and enjoy cocktails and hors d’oeuvres with a spectacular view.
There will be a donation raffle to win two roundtrip business class tickets to Zurich sponsored by Swiss International Airlines. The proceeds will be donated to the SABC. There will also be some traditional Swiss entertainment from Switzerland by the Jodelchörli Alpsteinblick.
To RSVP please contact events@sabcnow.com. Due to building security, RSVP in advance is mandatory by July 26th. Please be sure to bring a valid photo ID. Any inquiries can be directed to 312.508.3340 and sutha.heck@sabcnow.com.
SABC Directory 2016 - 2017
We are proud to announce the new edition of the SABC Business Directory of the US Midwest, the leading resource of Swiss business interests in the Chicagoland area. It is available online, and there is a limited amount of printed copies available.

BIG KAISER announces new face grooving insert holders that are specifically designed to fit the large diameter Series 318 and Series 319 SW twin-cutter boring heads for ultimate system flexibility.
The new face grooving system can be used as either a single or twin cutter grooving tool for diameter ranges from Ø2.087” to Ø118”. The design allows for a grooving depth up to .472”, with a minimum width of .079” and a maximum of .375”.
Face grooving with boring tools is generally more efficient than milling with circular interpolation, especially when manufacturing grooves of large diameters. Also, whenever a surface for a sealing application is required, there is no other acceptable or accurate option than to use a face grooving setup.
Using the boring tools as twin cutters, with a simultaneous adjustment in radius and length, allows the feed rate to be increased. Using the cutters in diameter offset operation enables a groove width of up to .472”, and both inside and outside diameters can be adjusted separately within the smallest tolerances. Both cutting edges can be adjusted easily to the same length, due to an eccentric bolt mechanism with clear direction indication.
“BIG KAISER products give our customers an unparalleled combination of Swiss quality, precision and ruggedness,” says Jack Burley, BIG KAISER vice president of sales and engineering. “These new face grooving holders uphold that tradition, while adding additional options to the applications possible with our SW twin cutter and large diameter Series 318 system.”
For more information, contact BIG KAISER, Hoffman Estates, IL at 224-770-2999, e-mail bigkaiser@us.bigkaiser.com or visit www.us.bigkaiser.com.
Heule Tool Presents COFA C Series: Elliptical Deburring Tool with Exchangeable Blade Options
Heule Tool Corporation proudly introduces the COFA C Series elliptical deburring tool with exchangeable blade options. For many years, the COFA tool system has been the first, and still unrivaled, tool system for removing burrs on the front and back of a drilled through-hole on even and uneven surfaces in a single cycle. The new generation of our COFA series is a product line expansion that offers more options for each COFA C Series tool body. COFA C Series tools will offer larger edge breaks and will now have the availability to house different size blade options for each tool body. In COFA C6 to C20 the swivel movement is guided by a blade holder, this way, the cutting edge follows the uneven bore edge. The more the tool enters into the bore, the more the blade swings into the tool body. The result is a radially shaped consistent deburring of the bore edge. This allows for faster feed rates since the tool slows itself down as it enters the through hole.
The simple concept of the COFA tool has no adjusting screws or presetting requirements. Only a choice of common tool sizes and spring strengths for various materials and hole sizes.
- Large edge break capability
- The exchangeable carbide blades are carried out with material
dependent coatings
- Tool types C6 up to C20 allow up to three different
demurring capacities without
changing the tool due to the exchangeable blade sizes
Send us your test part for a free evaluation! View product videos and brochures at our website www.heuletool.com. More contact information: info@HeuleTool.com 513.860.9900

Rollomatic, a leading machine tool manufacturer based in Le Landeron, Switzerland, is exhibiting at the IMTS (International Manufacturing Technology Show) in September in Chicago, IL. Rollomatic Inc. is headquartered for the North American market in Mundelein, IL. IMTS stands for International Manufacturing Technology Show which takes place every other year at McCormick Place in Chicago. Rollomatic will exhibit 5 CNC machines. Four of these machines are CNC tool and pinch/peel grinding machines, and one is a 5-axis CNC laser cutting machine.
Rollomatic maintains its global leadership position in laser cutting diamond tooling by announcing a number of options and capabilities for the LaserSmart® machine. This machine produces the sharpest corner radius in the PCD industry with a maximum radius on the cutting edge below 1 micron. In addition, a defined radius of 3, 6 and 9 microns can also be produced consistently. In addition, tools with HSK63 shanks can now also be accommodated on this machine. Rollomatic will showcase this new LaserSmart® laser cutting/ablation machine in full cutting mode during the IMTS. The strategy for this machine is to offer a more cost-effective way and higher quality in the production of high-performance PCD polycrystalline diamond, cBN cubic boron nitride and CVD chemical vapor deposited cutting tools which traditionally require to be produced by a double process of spark erosion and polish grinding. More information: www.rollomatic.ch/en/contact/usa
With markets and value chains become more complex in our age of globalization, managers increasingly find that traditional business education is no longer enough to master the challenges in today’s rapidly-changing world. The Executive MBA in Supply Chain Management at ETH Zurich was created to address just these challenges.
The unique MBA program, one of the few offering a deep dive into Supply Chain Management, is hosted by the university’s Chair of Logistics Management.
A Supply Chain manager oversees the flows of a company’s materials, information, and money, starting from point of origin all the way to its final consumption. This means coordinating a multitude of channel partners through which the company’s products travel, as well maintaining the business relationships behind that (usually global), production and logistics network.
As opposed to a generalist MBA program, the ETH program offers a 3-month deep dive into the details of Supply Chain Management: Planning, Procurement, Production, Logistics and Transport, and the Systems Design and Control which coordinate the flows between them. The classical aspects of business administration – strategy, finance, marketing, organization, and leadership round out the curriculum.
The 18-month program is designed for executives who have at least 5 years of experience. After 12 months of weekend classes on-campus in Zurich, participants take the last six months to solve a business problem at their company as a master thesis capstone project
The MBA ETH SCM limits its class size to a maximum of 25, so that each participant receives personal attention, and has the opportunity to engage directly with one another.
The application for the program starting on September 23 is still open. More information at: www.mba.ethz.ch
Obtaining the Benefits of the New U.S. Defend Trade Secrets Act
The new U.S. Defend Trade Secrets Act (“DTSA”) became effective May 2016. This federal law supplements existing state laws and can provide new protections for trade secrets in the U.S. The DTSA permits a trade secret holder to recover exemplary damages and attorneys fees for the misappropriation of trade secrets, and also authorizes pre-judgment seizure of materials containing misappropriated trade secrets. However, obtaining the full benefits of the DTSA requires action by non-U.S. companies conducting business in the U.S. and their U.S. affiliates. We recommend that trade secret holders:
- Review procedures for protecting trade secrets, including procedures for access to confidential materials, practices for incoming and departing employees and protections from consultants, suppliers, distributors and sales people.
- Identify any contracts and policies that relate to company trade secrets.
- Consider adding DTSA-required language in any new or renewing contracts with individuals as well as contract counterparties that have access to company trade secrets. Exemplary damages and attorneys fees are available under the DTSA only if an agreement entered into after the act’s effectiveness with an employee or contractor includes certain exception language to protects whistleblowers.
- Update employee policies to reflect DTSA-required language as a part of the company manual updating cycle.
While the DTSA should enable the U.S. to develop a uniform body of federal law on trade secrets over time, the act will have uncertainties until interpreted by courts. Please contact one of our attorneys for guidance on trade secret protections and appropriate contract and policy provisions.
Key Contacts
William E. Turner II will.turner@bfkn.com T. 312.629.7337
Scott J. Slavick scott.slavick@bfkn.com T. 312.629.7364
Lynne D. Mapes-Riordan lynne.mapes-riordan@bfkn.com T. 312.984.3107
NEW for 2016 – PLATIT Introduces a New PVD Coating Machine Pi111 PLUS
The Small & Flexible Machine to Start Up Your Coating Business
Pi111 PLUS is a Very affordable & competitive while providing your customers with ALL
- "Standard" Coatings like AlTiN
- "State of the Art" Coatings like AlCrN, nACo2® & nACRo2®
- "Future" Coatings like TripleCoatings3®
- Bring Coating Expertise "In-house"
- Offer Rush Orders and Delivery with Coating Included
- Reduced Operating Costs for Coating, Packing & Handling, Shipping
- Offer a Highly Flexible Production Schedule Yielding with Low Inventory Level
- Dedicated Coating Properties for Your Tools
- High Reliability - High Quality Build
- Environmentally-friendly Process
Hard Coatings
- Monolayers, Multilayers, Nanogradients, Nanolayers, Nanocomposites, and their combinations
- Main standard coatings: AlTiN2-Multilayer, nACo2®, nACRo2® , AlCrN3
- Selected TripleCoatings3® available
General Information
- Compact hard coating unit with a Foot print: W1890 x D1500 x H2120 mm
- Based on PLATIT LARC® technology (LAteral Rotating Cathodes)
- Coating on tool steels (TS) above 230°C, high speed steels (HSS) 350 - 500°C and on tungsten carbide (WC) between 350 - 550°C
SEE the Machine in demo ACTION at Booth W-1680 September 12-17

Ghost written article: Charitable giving in a time of uncertainty
Provided By:
Allen Carter, Executive Director – Wealth Management, 312.525.4300
UBS Financial Services
In the current economic environment, smart giving requires the same carefully constructed, strategic thinking that we apply to the rest of your finances. Even during the recession, almost half of all donors made gifts at the same level as in years past, with 26% of donors actually increasing their gift levels.* We need to be sure your philanthropic efforts are aligned with your other financial strategies so that charitable aspirations aren’t fulfilled at the expense of important objectives, and vice versa.
Most people practice a form of “checkbook philanthropy,” which involves simply writing checks regularly to a particular organization, or randomly in response to requests from multiple organizations and individuals. While donating cash is simple and straightforward, it doesn’t always offer optimal tax advantages. Donating appreciated securities—instead of selling the securities first, paying capital gains tax and then contributing the proceeds— may be a better alternative. If the charity sells the stock after it receives the donation, as a tax-exempt organization, it will not pay tax on the capital gains triggered by the sale.
*The 2008 Study of High Net Worth Philanthropy, “Issues Driving Charitable Activities Among Affluent Households,” Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, Sponsored by Bank of America
and Merrill Lynch, March 2009.
This article has been written and provided by UBS Financial Services Inc. for use by its Financial Advisors.
As a firm providing wealth management services to clients, we offer both investment advisory and brokerage services. These services are separate and distinct, differ in material ways and are governed by different laws and separate contracts. For more information on the distinctions between our brokerage and investment advisory services, please speak with your Financial Advisor or visit our website at ubs.com/workingwithus.
UBS Financial Services Inc., its affiliates, and its employees are not in the business of providing tax or legal advice. These materials and any tax-related statements are not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used or relied upon, by any such taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties. Any such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayer’s particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor.
©UBS 2014. All rights reserved. UBS Financial Services Inc. is a subsidiary of UBS AG. Member FINRA/SIPC. D-UBS-A1F04411
Every day, billions of people come into contact with Bühler technologies to cover their basic needs for food and mobility. With our industrial process technologies and solutions, we contribute significantly to feeding the world’s population, setting the focus on food security and safety. Global producers and processors of wheat, maize (corn), rice, pasta, chocolate, and breakfast cereals rely heavily on us. Furthermore, Bühler is a leading solution provider of die casting and surface coating technologies, with a focus on automotive and optics. As a leading technology group, Bühler invests up to 5% of its turnover every year in Research & Development. In 2015, its roughly 10,800 employees in over 140 countries generated a turnover of CHF 2.4 billion. The global Swiss family-owned company Bühler feels particularly committed to sustainability. More information: http://www.buhlergroup.com
Bossard is an international engineering and logistics services company that specializes in supplying customers with the correct fasteners for their applications in their products. Bossard’s employees encompass Proven Productivity in their work ensuring our customers receive the highest quality in their products and services. Bossard’s three tier concept, Product Solutions, Application Engineering, and Smart Factory Logistics, provides customers with comprehensive support everywhere and locally. Bossard’s goal is to help customers reduce their hidden costs in fasteners and implement lean manufacturing to save them time and money.More Information: http://www.bossard.com
Hotels of Switzerland – Welcoming three new members to our group of five star hotels, The Chedi Andermatt, the Giardino Ascona and Atlantis by Giardino, Zurich. With over thirty five years experience in the meeting and incentive industry we offer the finest in Swiss hospitality for top level incentive programs. Our hotels often make the top ten in the Conde Nast Traveler Gold List and are located in a variety of settings. Our close cooperation with Swiss International Airlines and local destination management companies allowes us to provide you with complete tour elements including ground transportation and excursions. We work with a variety of budgets and can tailor an unforgettable meeting/incentive program for you. For more information contact info@hotelsofswitzerland.com, p. 312.919.1500. To see a list of all our member properties and partners please visit our website: http://www.hotelsofswitzerland.com/.
Hotels of Switzerland Laura 773.330.8282
1214 W. Elzdale Marius 312.919.1500
Chicago, IL 60660 Werner 312.720.1500
Fax: 773/262-9323 laura@hotelsofswitzerland.com www.hotelsofswitzerland.com