June 18 – 21

Saengerfest 2015
SABC Member Event
Heimatklänge – Sounds from the Homeland
New Glarus, Wisconsin, USA
You are invited to the 41st Saengerfest – The North American Swiss Singing Alliance will hold their try annual singing festival and competition the weekend of June 18 – 21, 2015.
The New Glarus Männerchor as the host, with the help of the New Glarus Jodelklub and many volunteers from beautiful Green County welcome you!
The Saengerfest provides the perfect occasion for all Swiss and admirers of Swiss culture, to come together and celebrate our shared heritage or mutual passion through music, food and friends. 170 years ago, immigrants from Switzerland settled New Glarus. Today, New Glarus and Monroe are among the greatest strongholds of Swiss culture in America.