Hot August Night: International Summer Social Cruise & Fireworks Display
SABC is co-sponsoring with the International Trade Association
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
NAVY PIER (South Side)
600 East Grand Avenue, Chicago
6:30 pm – Board the Spirit of Chicago
7:00 pm (Sharp!) – Cruise Begins
10:00 pm – Return to Navy Pier
Members of sponsoring organizations & their guests – $90 each (by July 15; $100 thereafter)
Non-members – $115 each (by July 15; $125 thereafter)
*** Payment is due in advance, please, by July 29 ***
Space is limited: please make your reservations early. Contact the ITA/GC by Noon, Friday, July 29.
Tel: 773/725-1106 rsvp@itagc.org Fax: 773/725-2294
American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa are welcome.
Registration form