International Trade Association of Greater Chicago
Barnes, Richardson & Colburn, LLP
Boomerang Carnets
Plus 9 Bi-lateral Chambers of Commerce
Invite you to a special:
Enjoy three hours of fun, great food, lively DJ entertainment, and international networking as we set sail aboard the Spirit of Chicago for an incomparable view of the Chicago skyline and the Navy Pier fireworks display. Explore all four decks of the ship; dance to the music or simply watch the beautiful Chicago skyline views drift past. Your cruise includes a buffet dinner, coffee, iced tea and soft drinks (cash bar)…not to mention the fireworks and international networking.
Members of the SABC & their guests: $90 each (by July 10; $100 thereafter)
Non-members: $110 each (by July 20; $120 thereafter)

NAVY PIER (South Side)
600 East Grand Avenue, Chicago
6:30 pm – Board the Spirit of Chicago
7 pm (Sharp!) – Cruise Begins
10 pm – Return to Navy Pier
*** Payment is due in advance, please, by July 30 ***
Space is limited: please make your reservations early. Contact the ITA/GC by Noon, Wednesday, July 15.
For more information and registration details click here.